Spooky movie reviews: Dollar store Quiet Place….isn’t so bad????

This week, Alex and I watched a film called The Silence which is quite literally a dollar store version of A Quiet Place – complete with blind monsters that attack any source of sound and eat people – but there’s more!

The silence also features a spicy religious cult with an unclear motive! They all have their tongues cut out, but they were SUPER interested in the main teenage girl character in the movie because she’s … fertile???

The acting was good! The CGI was lackluster. Definitely fun to watch though!

Overall, A Quiet Place was much better. The storyline was clearer and the monsters were much creepier. The Silence could have been better had they taken more time to explain the spicy religious cult and give them more backstory.

Overall I’d give The Silence a 7/10. Decent, but not something I would watch again.

Click here to watch another review of this movie by Austin Burke, and click here to read Alex’s blog – whenever he gets around to writing it.

Image from screengeek.net



Spooky movie reviews: Please LOOK AWAY from this movie!

Yesterday, Alex and I decided to watch a movie called “Look Away.” Bad idea!

I intermittently fell asleep while we were watching this trash movie because it was very boring. Bizarre, certainly, but in a boring way rather than a fun exciting way.

This movie is about a teenage girl named Maria who has an evil reflection. Her reflection possesses her and talks to her through the mirror. Also, Maria’s father is … quite a strange man to say the least. Her “best friend” Lily is a terrible person. I don’t remember much more than that!

The acting was pretty bad.

I give this movie 2/10 because I liked the idea and concept; it was just executed terribly.

Click here to read Alex’s review of Look Away!

Image from maxim.com

(Not so) spooky movie reviews: Aquaman is Aqua-tastic!

Aquaman is technically a superhero movie, not horror, but it was directed by James Wan which means it’s horror adjacent.

Alex and I watched Aquaman today in his building’s fancy movie theatre and I absolutely loved it! I’ve always been more of a Marvel fan rather than DC, but Aquaman really pleasantly surprised me.

The underwater special effects were very well-done in my opinion, and the cast was amazing in their roles. Jason Momoa and Amber Heard really brought the characters of Arthur and Mera to life. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone, even those who don’t normally watch superhero films.

9/10! Click here to watch Jason Momoa’s gorgeous self talking about his role as Aquaman.

Keep an eye out for Alex’s review of Legion!


Image from refinery29.com

Spooky movie reviews: Get outta here!

Get out is easily one of my favourite horror movies of all time, so this week, I thought why not rewatch it?

The amazing acting and directing of this movie really make it deserving of the Academy award for Best Original Screenplay which it won last year. (No it didn’t win best picture, and yes I am still bitter.)

Get out definitely gives us a fresh take on horror, showing that humans can be the scariest monsters of all. The film dips it’s toes into thriller territory, and some might even class it as a thriller.

I’m really excited for Peele’s next film, “Us.” Judging by the creativity of Get Out, it’s sure to deliver.


Image from mentalfloss.com

Spooky movie reviews: This week has been scary enough!

The theme of my blog is supposed to be reviews of horror movies that Alex recommends to me, but I haven’t really had time to watch movies this week because of all my school assignments. That being said, I think this week has been a horror movie in and of itself so I’m going to review it.

I’ve had something due everyday this week and my weekly mental breakdown count is currently at three. Sleep? never heard of it.

I rate this week -5000/10. Alex didn’t write a blog for me to link to.


Image from 123rf.com


Spooky movie reviews: Maybe she snapped!

Alex didn’t give me a movie to watch this week but we watched Ginger Snaps together, so that’s the movie I’ll be reviewing. I had already seen Ginger Snaps, so I already knew it’s a cinematic masterpiece.

The special effects in this movie are absolutely horrendous, but I really think it adds to the charm. The God-awful werewolf puppet really makes the $5000 budget obvious, but it’s a fun movie to watch, especially on Halloween.

10000/10. If you love yourself, watch this movie.

Read Alex’s review of Ginger Snaps here.


Photo from Horror Freak News

Spooky movie reviews: Not even demons will go near this movie ðŸ˜¬

This week, Alex told me to watch the movie Ouija and it was not that great.

I like macabre but interesting colour palettes in horror movies, and I thought the bright, vibrant colour palette of Ouija really threw it off. The special effects and plot were okay, but the one highlight was definitely the cast. Four of the cast members were from The Haunting of Hill House, which is one of my favourite shows, so the acting was very good!

Overall, Ouija was pretty unmemorable. 4/10.

Read Alex’s review of Rings here and tune in next week for our next reviews!


image from Bustle

spooky movie reviews: The Descent was depressing … and not in a good way :(

This week, Alex told me to watch The Descent and it kind of sucked.

Alex keeps telling me to watch horror movies about creatures and monsters for some reason, but to be honest, I vastly prefer horror movies with demonic possession. I guess this movie would be good to someone who likes this type of horror movie, but it’s just not my personal preference.

The movie is about a group of women with weird fake (?) British accents who go spelunking and get harassed by cave monsters. I didn’t watch the last 20 minutes of The Descent because I got bored, but I probably didn’t miss much.  The special effects were fine I guess. 3/10.

Read Alex’s review of Ginger Snaps here and tune in next week to read my review of Ouija, and Alex’s review of The Ring.

photo from IMDB

Spooky movie reviews: Alien: Covenant is NOT a horror movie!

This week, Alex recommended that I watch Alien: Covenant. I’ve never seen any of the other Alien movies, but I thought it was pretty good!

I really liked the special effects in Alien: Covenant and I thought the scene where the alien clawed out of the one character’s back was very cool and well done. It got off to a bit of a slow start, so I was skeptical about it at the beginning. It definitely picks up and gets more exciting towards the middle though.

This movie wasn’t really scary at all, mostly because it isn’t a horror movie, it’s more sci-fi. Even though I did enjoy it, I wouldn’t turn Alien: Covenant on if I wanted to watch a horror movie. 7.5/10.

Read Alex’s review of Hereditary here.

image from IMDB

Spooky movie reviews: The Ritual? more like the SH*Tual!!!

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Ghost Girl! This semester, I will be reviewing horror movies that Alex has recommended to me, the good, the bad, and the not-so-scary. The first movie on the chopping block is Netflix’s movie, The Ritual. Three words: not a fan!

Alex told me I would love this movie and you know what? He was wrong. This movie was extremely boring and lackluster. Dull colour palette and cinematography, cheesy special effects, and overall just bad. I hate British accents, they are the worst.

If you’re looking for a great spooky movie to enjoy alone in your room at 1 a.m, don’t watch The Ritual.

The Ritual Screencap
image from Netflix


If you love listening to incorrect opinions, here’s iwatched’s review of The Ritual.