(Not so) spooky movie reviews: Aquaman is Aqua-tastic!

Aquaman is technically a superhero movie, not horror, but it was directed by James Wan which means it’s horror adjacent.

Alex and I watched Aquaman today in his building’s fancy movie theatre and I absolutely loved it! I’ve always been more of a Marvel fan rather than DC, but Aquaman really pleasantly surprised me.

The underwater special effects were very well-done in my opinion, and the cast was amazing in their roles. Jason Momoa and Amber Heard really brought the characters of Arthur and Mera to life. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone, even those who don’t normally watch superhero films.

9/10! Click here to watch Jason Momoa’s gorgeous self talking about his role as Aquaman.

Keep an eye out for Alex’s review of Legion!


Image from refinery29.com

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